viernes, 26 de abril de 2024

Corrupted - Mushikeras (2023)

«The 27-minute track 'Mushikeras' was recorded 2022-23 as a four-piece line-up of Kaz Mike (howling guitar and bass), Rie Lambdoll (vocal and bass), Mark Y. (guitar and bass), and Chew (drum and high carbon steel). A self-released digital-only track in autumn '23, this is the first physical manifestation of this doom metal behemoth, full of loud sludge, funeral dirge, haunting whispers / howling harsh vocals, and atmospheric build-ups.»

Pareciera formar parte del disco Felicific Algorithm / Mushikeras. Lo que acá falta está por ahí en youtube.

1. Mushikeras 27:45

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