jueves, 11 de febrero de 2021

Varios - In Solidarity: Songs Of Struggle and Liberation (2020)

Compilado del sello Left/Folk de Los Angeles: «towards a new old way, we are not afraid of ruins, neofolk for the politically unambiguous»

Algo de neo-folk fuera y contra el neofascismo. Aunque no sería de extrañar que entre las bandas haya orientaciones estalinistas, maoístas o de genocidio democrático, porque de eso también se trata el antifascismo.

1. The Last Ensemble - Euzko Gudariak (Praxi Eterna) 03:33
2. Sieben - Crumbs (Left/Folk) 04:13
3. Autumn Brigade - October Forever 03:27
4. The Red Tibet - The Canal Army Song (Author Unknown, 1932-33) 03:43
5. Peace Through Decay - Fall Down 02:08
6. BloccoNero - Arditi Del Popolo 04:50
7. The Anxiety Of Abraham - Ghosts 04:48
8. Weather Veins - Ashes And Chains 03:21
9. Byssus - Drink The Brine 05:53
10. Nøkken + The Grim - Lament On Synthetic Ground 07:41
11. A Stick And A Stone - Sullivan 05:54
12. Nebelung - Mittwinter 06:01
13. April Of Her Prime - The Sun God Tyrant Ruling On The Age Of Man 03:22
14. Evergreen Refuge - The Usnea Hangs From The Boughs As The Stars Hang Above The Pines 09:48
15. Rose With Teeth - Set This World On Fire 06:54
16. Ulvesang - Litherpoan 04:55
17. Ashera - The Battle Of Portland 03:29
18. Alsarath - It's Bones What Make This Garden Grow 06:56


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